Event Date
Much research has been done in recent years trying to answer the question of what works to improve agricultural productivity and investment in Africa. These research findings and evaluations now need to be systematically reviewed, translated, contextualized, and disseminated to better inform policy makers and development practitioners.
With the right level of support and collaboration, the successful translation of evidence-based research findings into actionable policy and programmatic guidance will lead to the transformation of African agriculture, increasing incomes, reducing food insecurity, and putting African countries on track to achieve sustainable agricultural development on the continent.
With this background in mind, the International Centre for Evaluation and Development (ICED) has collaborated with the Agricultural Technology Adoption Initiative (ATAI) and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Assets and Market Access (AMA Innovation Lab) to organize two regional conferences in May (Kenya) and July (Ghana) 2017.

The two conferences, which will be organized under the same theme -- “Evidence to Action” - strive to enhance collaboration between researchers and stakeholders and outline clear recommendations on how to ensure Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and evidence-based research positively impacts regional and national priorities and contributes to the attainment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Malabo Declaration.
Conference Objectives
The purpose of these convenings was to promote evidence from rigorous impact evaluations and research and to encourage increased uptake and utilization of research and innovation in evaluation to influence policy and drive change at the national, regional and global levels.
The conference provided an excellent platform for researchers, academics, private sector practitioners, development agencies, civil society and policy makers to learn, share information, build networks and partnerships with the overall objective of identifying effective strategies and interventions for ensuring data generated from research and evaluation projects is well utilized.
Learn more at the International Centre for Evaluation and Development.
For links to all of the conference presentations, please click here.
See below for videos highlighting the impacts of the conference:
For an ICED-produced video covering the highlights of the conference, please click here.